Should have to let him babysit their kids....
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I mean I actually know decent people who have children who voted for him. One person I know, I actually said to them last summer: are you telling me you are gonna knowingly vote for a pedophile? She has 3 young kids. And she said “I know. But he can’t be worse than Trump.” These people are crazy. I’d actually leave my kids with Trump for a few hours. I don’t think I can say that for any other politician. And I think that means something.
im sure you saw the comment for the joke it was but ty for commenting i have neighbor's who regret not listening to me before voting biden then again my mayor sold my vote to suckberg for 1.6 million
Totally got the joke (but also kinda not a joke lol. Who tf votes for Biden!?!?!!!) I just keep trying to wrap my head around these people.
me also i got my mom and sister to vote first time ever both voted Geotus then they stole their votes but they listened enough to not go along with covid-fear and get vaxxed