This is a plan to squeeze the taxpayers and small businesses. Their goal is a monopoly by big business: Walmart, Costco, Best Buy, etc. squeeze small grocery stores, appliance stores out of business so wealthy big business can hold a monopoly. Raise food prices, put the squeeze on farmers so they sell their farms then big agra can come in buy the land for a song, spray pesticides on the land to contaminate crops, sell to market and cause ill health/death in those ingesting the food. If that doesn’t kill you maybe the a Covid shot will or maybe pollute the water. “Watch the water.”
And when they monopolize the retail stores, they can force the vax (no jab, no shop) with no other alternative stores to shop at. They will usher in an all digital currency, with a digital wallet controlled by them, so you won't be able to use cash to buy items on the black market. And they can also ration food and utilities too. Once you reach your allotted 4 oz of beef, your digital wallet won't be able to purchase more that month, or once you use so many kilowatts of power or gallons of water, your smart meters will shut down. All part of the great reset (Agenda 21 / 2030 / 2050).
This is a plan to squeeze the taxpayers and small businesses. Their goal is a monopoly by big business: Walmart, Costco, Best Buy, etc. squeeze small grocery stores, appliance stores out of business so wealthy big business can hold a monopoly. Raise food prices, put the squeeze on farmers so they sell their farms then big agra can come in buy the land for a song, spray pesticides on the land to contaminate crops, sell to market and cause ill health/death in those ingesting the food. If that doesn’t kill you maybe the a Covid shot will or maybe pollute the water. “Watch the water.”
And when they monopolize the retail stores, they can force the vax (no jab, no shop) with no other alternative stores to shop at. They will usher in an all digital currency, with a digital wallet controlled by them, so you won't be able to use cash to buy items on the black market. And they can also ration food and utilities too. Once you reach your allotted 4 oz of beef, your digital wallet won't be able to purchase more that month, or once you use so many kilowatts of power or gallons of water, your smart meters will shut down. All part of the great reset (Agenda 21 / 2030 / 2050).