Chloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

Did the investigation prove they had weapons? What are they being charged with?

Chloe123 13 points ago +13 / -0

Well said, Mr. President. Your devotion to our military will always be remembered and cherished.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

So you mean there were no cameras to see who broke in? That seems implausible.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

He already has, by bowing to the WHO and wanting China to participate. You don’t ask those involved to investigate themselves. Biden is compromised by China.

Chloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

Further destruction to their neighborhood. That is real smart. Use your brains, the Deep State wants you to self destruct so they can hold you in their power-begging for more crumbs of rat infested, crumbling housing, food stamps, inferior government health, and inferior schools teaching you hatred, government reliance, destruction of the family and sexual freedom. Welcome to your America. Now you can live in a worse shit hole then you have been because you just ruined it further. That makes a lot of sense! But those destroying won’t read this because this is not their type of platform and chances their schools failed to teach them how to read.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Where there is a will, there is a way. Why should it be deemed to difficult to have a voter ID-everyone who has any form of health insurance has to show a photo ID these days to combat health insurance fraud. You need it to get on a plane, rent a hotel room, do banking, drive a car, buy alcohol and cigarettes. Show me one person who does not do at least one of the above.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hopefully those responsible for fraudulent elections can “try it out.”

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

If you are “vaccinated”, you should be protected right? Why did you get the shot if you aren’t protected? Why then be scared of the unvaccinated? They should be scared of you, because you are shedding!

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeh, the same way the Left got over Trump legitimately winning!

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well said, Mr. President.

Chloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

I year in jail and up to $100,000. for desertion of mail is a slap on the wrist. Hopefully the post office fired him and will ensure he never works for them again, but I wouldn’t bet on it. The union will probably claim he was under “stress”.

Chloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

I hope he gets 30 years for tampering with the mail and interfering in an election. Despicable piece of work.

Chloe123 2 points ago +2 / -0

To all those Twitter users who want General Flynn court martial Ed. May you all go to hell! The Left/Deep State, put Trump and Flynn through hell with false accusations and you could have cared less. Biden was not duly elected. Fraudulent elections do not make him a President. Anyone who thought voting for a corrupt man, with a son who is a crack head pedophile, and is demented to boot was a good idea should be sent to China for 6 months to see what it would be like to live under their control.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hope they enjoy it long enough before they are hanged. These freaks no longer hide their associations.

Chloe123 5 points ago +5 / -0

Handsome man! Thank you for your service-courage, patriotism and bravery. God bless you and Zgod bless your family for the sacrifice they made.

Chloe123 3 points ago +3 / -0

This government is corrupt through and through. The government is supporting big business in this mandate, and you can bet your bottom dollar big business is getting some remuneration-either financial or in favors. Whatever happened to MY BODY, MY CHOICE?” I guess now it does not fit their narrative of mass depopulation/genocide. Scary when government is out to kill you and your employer supports them. Government is no longer for the people, by the people. Instead government is Hitler on steroids. Today mandate, tomorrow passports. The next step will be a government takeover of health care and denial of medical care for the medical injuries created by them and big Pharma. I hope I live to see their prosecution and their execution of all involved in this travesty.

Chloe123 3 points ago +3 / -0

The reason in 2016 the Left chanted, “NOT MY PRESIDENT” about Trump was they thought they had it totally rigged for HRC, because they had been doing it for years-both Bushes, Obama, Bill Clinton, etc.

Chloe123 4 points ago +4 / -0

If state legislatures were smart, they would put a halt on the 2022 election until the Dominion voting machines are withdrawn and paper ballots with watermarks are instituted. No security, no election. Those in office stay, until this mess is fixed. No point in wasting money for an election if it is not secure and one vote means one vote.

Chloe123 6 points ago +6 / -0

This is why people get into politics-to feather nest, not to represent the people or to better the country. He is crooked and received a payout, let us call it what it is. Investigate, prosecute, and imprison. Also investigate Zuckerberg and make him account for every penny of his ill gotten gains and his use of money to bribe election results.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Instead of the government and businesses pushing vaccines, AKA pharmaceuticals, they should be pushing health: proper diet, exercise, blood pressure and blood sugar control.. Your immune system then will kick in to fight illness because you are healthy. When I was young the only fast food was Mc Donald’s and it was a treat to eat there every now and then. Now you see fast food every where and people are less healthy and more obese.

Chloe123 9 points ago +9 / -0

The Dems/Deep State pissed away 4 years due to their greed and need for power. Just think what President Trump would have accomplished without all of the constant harassment and distractions. Now it is time for them to pay the piper. They will never be allowed to dictate a lockdown again, with defiance greater than 50% of the populous reject their fake pandemic and shot mandate. No vaccine passports. We will not forget the crime of election theft and we demand everyone from the bottom up be arrested, tried and imprisoned. No one is above the law. Those were a HRC ‘s famous words and I hope by now the real HRC has received her just reward because even you Hillary are not above the law, though you think otherwise.

Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

Major agency in L.A. is mandating their employees be vaccinated. What is the kickback to big business? Money? Favors? Same with hospitals. What are the getting in return when they mandate employees take the Covid shot? Ignorance as to the number of death and reactions is no excuse.

by gamepwn
Chloe123 1 point ago +1 / -0

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