posted ago by Quackchinchin ago by Quackchinchin +36 / -2

Let's just say the audit in Arizona gets completed. And let's say it causes two other states to complete audits too.

I do imagine that at first, the left will do everything they can to discredit the audits and say they're fake. But of course they wouldn't be. That narrative could easily fail.

I feel like there's a point they will no longer be able to pretend Biden won legitimately and will have no choice but to admit that Trump won and Biden had to cheat. But of course, there is no way they would allow Trump to go back into power without a fight. A nasty fight.

So at the same time of potentially admitting Trump's win, I imagine them going absolutely bloodthirsty. There are many different things they may do:

-Order Antifa, BLM and illegal aliens to riot in suburbs and attempt assassination on as many Trump supporters as they can. Considering Arizona is a border state, lots of illegals likely already flooded there, I'm sure Islamic terrorists are among those illegals and could be like Antifa where the left can count on them to enforce their bloodlusted will on us.

-Order the FBI or some other group of federal agents to attack suburbs and, thus, Trump supporters.

-Ask for either Iran, China, or the UN to send agents onto our soil for war.

-Straight up declare civil war on us.

-Don't they actually control the nukes? Honestly, scarily enough, I don't know what would be stopping them from dropping bombs on swing states, or in Mar-A-Lago as an attempt to kill Trump. Would the US military be willing to prevent this from happening? I honestly will not put it past the communists to attempt to nuke parts of the country in a desperate attempt to cling onto their power.

What other kinetic actions could they take against us if the audits get completed? I just feel like that's what will happen, they would rather cause nationwide chaotic carnage than let Trump anywhere near the White House again.

I'd actually be concerned if they ask foreign agents to enter our soil (Iran, China, UN). Do we have the physical manpower to win against the globalists if they use literally ALL of the possible strength and ammo against us?