10 Fake Foods From China That Will Make You Cringe!
Following is Graphic: NSFW/NSFL
Yulin Dog Meat Festival (or Lychee and Dog Meat Eating Festival) is a controversial festival held in Yulin, Guangxi during the summer solstice in June. It is estimated that since 2009, almost 15,000 dogs were consumed each year during "festivities." Chinese practitioners of folk medicine thought that dog meat is the best solution against summer heat. Many dogs are killed slowly. They feel the longer the dog is tortured, the meat is better and more expensive.
China removing organs from living prisoners without anesthetic, use paralysis drugs.
According to the report, a “very substantial number” of victims were “killed to order” by the Chinese government and were “cut open while still alive for their kidneys, livers, hearts, lungs, cornea and skin to be removed and turned into commodities for sale.”
Chinese soldiers stationed in Tibet will be donning a newly developed “suicide” helmet equipped with a self-destruct button that can be pressed at will by the soldiers or their commander. The button initiates the explosion of an embedded bomb, effectively killing the soldier.
Chinese Kills And Eats Black Africans In Gabon(Graphic Picture) - Crime
There's something wrong with them.
You are broaching a very controversial topic, and I thank you for the courage to take up this argument. I disagree on the premise of something being hardwired specifically into the Chinese race, like the sadism as you describe. I tend to see things in more of a cultural paradigm than biological, though both do play a role. To what extent I’m unsure. But it’s a worthwhile concept to consider in seeking answers, and seeking to cure the illness. Even if untrue, I think it reveals possible patterns leading to the truth.
I’d rather not comment in more depth on this topic as it comes too close to home for me. But this is the freedom of thought and expression that I cherish and we must desperately fight to preserve. Censorship and cancelling obfuscate the most critical aspects of reality and the processes to decipher them.