Instead of the government and businesses pushing vaccines, AKA pharmaceuticals, they should be pushing health: proper diet, exercise, blood pressure and blood sugar control.. Your immune system then will kick in to fight illness because you are healthy. When I was young the only fast food was Mc Donald’s and it was a treat to eat there every now and then. Now you see fast food every where and people are less healthy and more obese.
Sheeple are not very strong, not very brave, and definitely not very smart. A good strong dose of fear will work on them every time.
Instead of the government and businesses pushing vaccines, AKA pharmaceuticals, they should be pushing health: proper diet, exercise, blood pressure and blood sugar control.. Your immune system then will kick in to fight illness because you are healthy. When I was young the only fast food was Mc Donald’s and it was a treat to eat there every now and then. Now you see fast food every where and people are less healthy and more obese.
Without a doubt the epidemic of obesity is directly related to the rise of fast food.
I bet I didnt eat at a fast food restaurant more than 5 times pre 1980.