Weekly Discussion Thread - June 1st - 6th
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Wow didn't know Chrome has that feature already. To be honest I've been behind on everything Google related. Used to be a fan of Google until I've seen all of the shit Google have done so I quickly lost interest.
I'm on Fedora, a fork of Red Hat, and yes it does support Chrome (I'm on Brave) but I don't really want to install Chrome.
But for this reason alone, I may just go ahead and install but won't even sign in at all.
Wow man, thank you so much for going the extra mile for me! Truly appreciate it and I'll install Chrome soon, test it out and report.
Yeah I used to like Google and Microsoft sooo much.... Really broke my heart, I was the PC > MAC guy.
I'm surprised how good it works
I'm trying to de-google as well but it's hard.
Also looks like the captions work offline too, so it's not like it communicates all the sounds to a server.
I wish they weren't the tyrants of our age, it really is a pity, such cool products and companies... SHAME, some of them are even smart, it sucks
Yeah same here, I'm a PC > Mac guy as well even though I have a Macbook Pro. I'm in IT but unemployed ATM so back when I used to service computers at a computer store, I was required to get A+ and Apple certifications so when I studied for Apple, I can see why people say Apple is the best but for me, nah. Don't like being in a walled garden, where I'm limited in many areas.
Also felt that Apple is always 2 years behind on technology and then when they say, "It's revolutionary!" when they finally release something like bluetooth for iPhone, even when current Android phones already have it and have had it for at least 2 years. So it's dumb for them to say it's revolutionary, even when it's not but it's clearly a market move to bring in idiots who knows nothing about technology while thinking they have the "bleeding edge" phone out there.
Switched from Windows to Linux about 10 years ago cuz I got bored with Windows, already knew pretty much everything Windows related, except for when it comes to Sys Admin stuff like Active Directory, Organizational Units and the like. Started studying for MCSA/MCSE but a lot of stuff came up that pulled me away so I never got around to continue studying for these certifications. So thought I'd jump into Linux because I was required to take a couple of Linux classes at college and liked it back then so why not now? Then I've been on Fedora for a long time after using Ubuntu but felt it was "cheap and too easy" for me. Fedora is good for intermediate users like me but I'd like to tackle Arch Linux very soon lol
Yeah I liked Google, liked them a lot when they were actually doing a lot of innovations like Google Wave, Google+ (was on it pretty much everyday after I left Fakebook), Google Inbox and many more but after their SJW stance and the fact that they keep on bringing in new products then pulling them a few months to a few years later infuriates me to the point where I just decided to ditch Google altogether. Been using DuckDuckGo since abandoning Google and I've gotten used to it. I was an avid Googler, used Google for like 15 years for search and yes the switch to DDG was a bit hard but after a few weeks or so, got used to it. You can do it!
I'm in the process of finding a better email client so I can switch over and ditch Gmail. Also need a good chat app as I hear Hangouts is being deprecated or probably merged into Hangouts for Business and they probably will force me to use Google Duo or some stupid crap.
That's awesome however I wasn't able to drop a video into the browser to get it to load and play. I'm assuming once I download the video via Chrome, then block my LAN (or when the ISP goes out) and it will work as long as it's locally cached?
Agreed. That's exactly why I'm pissed at Google because I had a fallout with a friend who thought Google was being greedy as fk and they were praising Apple. I was like, no way. Apple is greedy. Google is a very innovative company who's thriving to invent something new that would benefit mankind in terms of technology like their driverless cars and all that. Eventually they stopped talking to me and I didn't care because they also had their own preferences that clashed with mine (i.e. Nintendo 64/Playstation vs Sega Dreamcast -- I prefer Nintendo/Sony while they prefered Dreamcast. Told them Dreamcast will be a bust. Turned out I was right and they were rightfully pissed.) Guess the Google v. Apple was the final straw for them.
NOW Google pulled the SJW card BS and I felt like Google abandoned us all after I've been defending them this whole time. I'm hoping it won't be the case with Linux, despite the fact that they're changing the syntax and variables in their codes like master/slave to something like I forgot what it was but "Come on man!" who the fk cares?!
I know I've been saying this a lot but seriously, thank you very much for helping me out with this! I truly appreciate it!