Maybe since February is Black History Month... and June is LGBTQ month... we can designate November as National Overweight / Obesity Month.
That would be great timing. November starts the day after Halloween (so you have tons of candy available), then includes Thanksgiving and all of the pre-Christmas candy, pastries and fruit cakes become available.
Since more than 1/3rd of the U.S. is Overweight or Obese... which spans all races, religions, genders, etc... we can all celebrate.
Maybe since February is Black History Month... and June is LGBTQ month... we can designate November as National Overweight / Obesity Month.
That would be great timing. November starts the day after Halloween (so you have tons of candy available), then includes Thanksgiving and all of the pre-Christmas candy, pastries and fruit cakes become available.
Since more than 1/3rd of the U.S. is Overweight or Obese... which spans all races, religions, genders, etc... we can all celebrate.
Months are too long.
a day is fine.