Doctor on COVID Vax: "We Screwed-Up. We didn't realize the Spike Protein is a TOXIN" ?
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To elaborate a bit, surgeons wear masks because saliva is really nasty (compare a bite wound to a cut of similar size) and has all sorts of bacteria that should never, ever go into an open wound. Surgeon's masks are very effective at reducing the amount of saliva that gets into the air, especially when talking, sneezing etc.
Reducing the amount of saliva in the air does nothing to protect against respiratory viruses. No surgeon in the history of ever wore a mask so that his patient didn't get the flu during an operation.
And it's not just about servility, it is safety theater.
Agree. And to prevent transfer of blood borne pathogens. No one wants a mouthful of blood or amniotic fluid during a messy delivery!