Does anyone have details on Amazon's new sidewalk feature.
From what I have gathered new 'feature' turns Amazon devices including Ring doorbells into a worldwide hotspot where devices feed off of one another like network repeaters. This essentially creates a chain network for amazon devices to stay connected if for some reason they lose internet. Customers of these devices have only a few days to opt out of that service, if they do not then Amazon forces users into this new network of data/network sharing.
The MSM has already damaged conspiracy theorists. I have tried to share this information with others who I am close with about how dangerous this feature can become; think Europe/China surveillance of its citizens or minority report facial recognition. Many people think i'm nuts on this theory.
Another thing that popped into my head as a theory is that with this type of network, amazon could essentially be creating an open source network in the event the internet is 'blacked' out. Anyone have theories on this?
this in theory would be useful for local network for essential/emergency comms in case of internet is down across a neighborhood. This is good for emergencies but as you say could also be used for nefarious purposes. a message would go from A to B hopping through intermediate nodes. I know the military was working on similar type network for mobile mesh networking not dependent on cell towers or satellites etc.