posted ago by QDay ago by QDay +44 / -1

Does anyone have details on Amazon's new sidewalk feature.

From what I have gathered new 'feature' turns Amazon devices including Ring doorbells into a worldwide hotspot where devices feed off of one another like network repeaters. This essentially creates a chain network for amazon devices to stay connected if for some reason they lose internet. Customers of these devices have only a few days to opt out of that service, if they do not then Amazon forces users into this new network of data/network sharing.

The MSM has already damaged conspiracy theorists. I have tried to share this information with others who I am close with about how dangerous this feature can become; think Europe/China surveillance of its citizens or minority report facial recognition. Many people think i'm nuts on this theory.

Another thing that popped into my head as a theory is that with this type of network, amazon could essentially be creating an open source network in the event the internet is 'blacked' out. Anyone have theories on this?