What is the play? They (white hats) can't let cripple milions of people. Even with covid only, your body is full of it. Or they are just thinking about next generations who will populate this world again?
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This is one of the biggest questions out there IMO: How long do the spike proteins remain in the body and cause damage after a person (a) gets a covd vax and/or (b) gets infected with SARS-CoV-2. Some studies suggest the spike proteins are cleared from the body within two weeks of the final injection. Other docs think the spike proteins will remain for two years or more... maybe for the rest of a person's life.
I'm not sure if it always written in to the DNA or just theoretically can be written back to the DNA. Maybe it is in just some cells and the body can delete them.
Most of the problem my be mRNA and spike proteins, both might eventually be flushed from the body, especially with the right de-toxing.
That's my hope. I don't think it's a death sentence when managed.