The timing of the release and promotion of this info is being used as a distraction.
The bulk of this has been known and kept classified or secret a long time.
Definatly a lot of new evidence as well the past few years, the disclosure project has worked tirelessly to get it all out to the public.
Just because it is all real does not mean the black hats will not twist it and use it for their own nefarious ends. Even better for them.
But they will twist it to instill as much fear as possible in the public.
The timing of the release and promotion of this info is being used as a distraction.
The bulk of this has been known and kept classified or secret a long time.
Definatly a lot of new evidence as well the past few years, the disclosure project has worked tirelessly to get it all out to the public.
Just because it is all real does not mean the black hats will not twist it and use it for their own nefarious ends. Even better for them. But they will twist it to instill as much fear as possible in the public.