With the impending covid hoax collapse and the election fraud reveal heating up, soon they are going to have to come to terms with what's happening. What is the best way to warn loved ones of what is to come? We are entering uncharted territory. I don't want to scare them but I do want to prepare them for the gravity of the situation. Not going to lie, the I told you so moment is going to be pretty fun, so i've been envisioning a bunch of different scenarios (i'm sure we've all been lol). Would be pretty bad ass walking away from a conversation saying something like "The bad guys write the history books, right? Well what if I told you the bad guys have been winning this whole time.."
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You know what fren? It't time for them to wake up and stop living in fantasy land. If they get scared? Good, they should be. Its not easy but still alot of people are children still mentally and that has to go. No more safe spaces. If a treath comes down on you DEAL WITH IT.
Ease them into the new world with an ice-water delousing. Welcome to the new world ersatz commies-by-default through ignorance and smug condescension.
I know we are all here to help the normies and sheep to wake up and help them through what is to come but DAMN it will be fun to shove the red pill square up their ass............
I won't cast pearls before swine.
We always called it a kink in the armor, a chink in the armor to me would be Xi Xing Ping in full body armor.
hahaha must be an Aussie thing
Not at all. If that dude wants to kink, that's on him.
Chink= narrow gap or opening, a fissure.
If you know words, use them.