General Flynn's role is to motivate others to get off their asses and make a stand, fight back. Did you see him speaking in Tulsa, OK at the Health Freedom conference? He called on patriots to get out there and start getting involved and do something. And some people are. They are getting involved in their local politics, running for office, challenging their school boards etc. One man can't do everything, every one needs to start getting involved, get involved in your church, talk to your neighbors, recall traitorous elected officials, run for city, county, state offices etc. I think it's important for every one to think about what they can personally do to put this country back on track and not rely on one or 2 individuals to save this country.
I'm sorry, were you part of this plan in 2016? Flynn was. He was part of the plan. As was constantly being said, "Flynn knows where the bodies are buried." What better way to allow the DS to think they were in the clear than to take out Flynn.
I don't think anyone here knows what he was involved with and what his current marching orders are, but many of us are willing to listen to him and research some of what he has to say.
I can’t say too much, but one of my best friend , more like a brother actually, is ... let say ... involved
I’m not supposed to talk about it but yes, the military is... you know, and not in Minecraft
General Flynn's role is to motivate others to get off their asses and make a stand, fight back. Did you see him speaking in Tulsa, OK at the Health Freedom conference? He called on patriots to get out there and start getting involved and do something. And some people are. They are getting involved in their local politics, running for office, challenging their school boards etc. One man can't do everything, every one needs to start getting involved, get involved in your church, talk to your neighbors, recall traitorous elected officials, run for city, county, state offices etc. I think it's important for every one to think about what they can personally do to put this country back on track and not rely on one or 2 individuals to save this country.
"General Flynn's role is to motivate others to get off their asses and make a stand, fight back"
So he is an influencer?
I guess I will now get downvoted to hell for pointing out- is that not putting the cart before the horse?
We can take care of that once Trump is in office.
I'm sorry, were you part of this plan in 2016? Flynn was. He was part of the plan. As was constantly being said, "Flynn knows where the bodies are buried." What better way to allow the DS to think they were in the clear than to take out Flynn.
I don't think anyone here knows what he was involved with and what his current marching orders are, but many of us are willing to listen to him and research some of what he has to say.
I can’t say too much, but one of my best friend , more like a brother actually, is ... let say ... involved I’m not supposed to talk about it but yes, the military is... you know, and not in Minecraft