Wife and i will not vax. And we go to nutritional guy so we eat well and take supplements for last 2.5 years. Best decision we ever made. I did gain 15 lbs trying to save restaurant industry but now down 20 lbs or net -5 lbs. Did mask inside stores but 6 weeks ago dropped masks and only handful at HEB were maskless. Now 2/3 are maskless. Son, 2 daughters in law and bro in law took vax. All n medical industry. They never consulted. Hope and pray the dire health projections are wrong. Plus im never taking flu shot again. My severe distrust of med industry (routine procedure about did me in 5 years ago) only cemented by world health and virology idiots last 18 months. I tried to sue my specialist and learned doctors are deities, above reproach. Thanks Rick Perry for medical tort in Texas that gives Drs all the power and patients rights.
Wife and i will not vax. And we go to nutritional guy so we eat well and take supplements for last 2.5 years. Best decision we ever made. I did gain 15 lbs trying to save restaurant industry but now down 20 lbs or net -5 lbs. Did mask inside stores but 6 weeks ago dropped masks and only handful at HEB were maskless. Now 2/3 are maskless. Son, 2 daughters in law and bro in law took vax. All n medical industry. They never consulted. Hope and pray the dire health projections are wrong. Plus im never taking flu shot again. My severe distrust of med industry (routine procedure about did me in 5 years ago) only cemented by world health and virology idiots last 18 months. I tried to sue my specialist and learned doctors are deities, above reproach. Thanks Rick Perry for medical tort in Texas that gives Drs all the power and patients rights.