Neither did my barber, he is a libertarian and sees through all the bullshit. Sitting in chair getting a flat top and other folks come in masked up, see me unmasked.....start asking "do we need to wear masks?
The answer is no.
Neither did my barber, he is a libertarian and sees through all the bullshit. Sitting in chair getting a flat top and other folks come in masked up, see me unmasked.....start asking "do we need to wear masks?
The answer is no.
No shit story. Just last night, sitting at a large, but not seriously busy intersection. Car from my right, making left hand turn, which goes across 3 lanes, so plenty of time for both my wife and I to see this. Masked up woman, window down, no passenger and a FREAKING ICE CONE IN HER HAND. We are no mask mandate state for around a month now.