posted ago by B7447 ago by B7447 +256 / -0

You raise a great point.

In these extraordinary times, it is also difficult to discern who is our enemy and who is our ally.

An enemy government might be an ally to accomplish a common goal. And an “ally” might be an enemy if its government has on objective inconsistent with America’s objective.

Example: Russian government was our ally in World War 2 to defeat Germany but has always been viewed as our enemy.

Another example: The U.K. government was our ally in WW1 and WW2. But has the U.K. monarchy remained our enemy since we whipped them in the Revolutionary War?

A note of caution. Always try to distinguish the people of a country from its government.

I believe a huge number of Chinese love America and our freedom. CCP does not. I think the Brits love us like siblings but the Queen/monarchy not so much.

Make sense?