There needs to be a national forgiveness day, or just an idea where people can pledge for forgiveness and live a good life from then on.
As long as you have not committed an unforgivable crime (needs to be defined better, murder, rape, torture etc.) You should be forgiven, and as long as you don't go back to your bad ways, nothing from the point you took the pledge could be used as ammo against you.
I've done some dumb things, and mostly said a lot of dumb stuff on the internet, most of the time even if I believed it or not, mostly to create discourse, but I'm done with that now, I want to be positive and constructive.
I hate how people can use ammo against another person for something they did as a kid. People change. As long as they stay a good person after the pledge, it washes away anything forgivable from the past.
I'm looking for this idea to be refined, and comments are appreciated.
Ive always tried to be a good person, and always live with honesty, but today I'm making the pledge.
I am sorry for anything I have done in the past that may have negatively affected anyone, but from this day on I pledge to be honest and good.
I agree and admire your sentiment. Apparently there is a National Forgiveness Day celebrated on July 7. Definitely needs to be advertised more - I have never heard of it and I am pretty old. Link below.
Thanks for that. I didnt know this either.
“If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” 1 John 1:9
Not everyone is religious. Id rather people do this for their fellow humans, without the fear of god involved. Gives it more meaning, imo.
Jesus Himself said, "Therefore if you are presenting your (sin) offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering." (Matthew 5: 23 -24)
I agree, the priority is even stated in Scripture, forgive others and ask for forgiveness.
Why 1 day? It could be everyday. Could even be that one should find the individual(s) they wronged, to the best of their ability and ask forgiveness. Perhaps even apologize, i.e. explain themselves, for why they hurt the other person and why they are asking forgiveness.