The mama bear in me wants to tear such scum apart, and I will not watch the video. But I've seen some pictures on Gab that made me want to call down fire from Heaven on whomever perpetrated such a crime!
I just saw this and..... crap.. speechless..
I’m not techy and want to do this right.. this horrific abuse can’t go on!! If I did things wrong in posting it I’m open to whatever.. but damn people need to understand how important and urgent this part of the battle is !!
Remember the posters that were up in the theater? Wasn't one of them Guardians vs. Pedophiles? Saw some eye-opening stuff even on Gab...You're right, someone needs to blow the whistle on this evil, but this video does not need to be up here.
OMG! 1 kid is hanging! the other being tazed or cattle prodded! Who the hell is doing this? Spread this far and wide. Give us more details on who, where, when so we can send it to every news outlet, every politician, every church. Everyone needs to see this and ACT.
Hey moderators.. could someone put a warning tag on this for me.. not trying to harm anyone that may have gone through anything closely related to this.
I’m new at all of this, had never seen anything like that, but people need to somehow know how horrendous the abuse is !!!
I am kot watching this. I read some descriptions in the comments. OP, you need to add a description of what this is. Its fucked up, I get it, you are not savy on posting etiquette. More importantly, where did you find this video. Has this been reported to the police?
Had a co-worker/friend that was bugging me. He liked to spin people up. I kept sending him goatse reactions. The shocked look on people's faces but not actual goatse. One night I get a FU HTR from him. I asked why the hate. "I didn't know what goatse was so I looked it up."
Now he was an old-timer on the internet. I figured he already knew not to look. ?
Wow unbelievable. This stuff is really happening all the moderators know it too. Then you get guys like the one who’s stirring the pot in here. We take this serious. We’re not just trying to cause problems like other guy in here!!!! It’s a man brutally torturing children How Is this OKAY
And my husband gets pounced on for brutal truth
trying to sound the alarm ? getting people to wake up. Maybe not all truth is okay on great awakening
Heart breaking for the children
Didn’t know it was illegal to share the truth ..
But thank you !! This whole subject is so disturbing.. when I saw this I was livid.. still am.. as much as it enraged me to see it, it was an exclamation point for me on why we must do anything and everything to stop it !!
Thank you for pointing this out .. it was naivety on my part.. I shouldn’t be naive about anything at my age but on all of this internet propriety and associated laws, I am.. I don’t know who’s who on this sight and that’s ok.. but if I could make an observation.. and possibly a recommendation.. I posted this for the right intentions even if inappropriately.. I was called names and accused of having intentions that were graphic and definitely not consistent with my TRUE intentions .. if any one on the board were doing that how much better to give a quick explanation as to why without the character assassination? If it’s someone not on the board doing the assassinating , maybe a quick “ hey we are all on the same side here” and the explanation as to why the post was wrong.. I’m believing MOST folks on here have the same goals..
Sorry for lengthy response .. I’m here for the duration.. just fear that type of attack would push many of the people we are working to help see the truth either away or into hiding..
There are some things that you can never unsee
We need to pray that these poor children are delivered from their tormentors and are at peace with Christ in heaven
You see why the trafficking of children has to be stopped. To know the horror and not support ending it, is complicity. When who is really responsible for the farming of terrorized children, that is when the shock is going to be so great for people they won't even want to get out of bed in the morning and face reality. Got to get this over with.
For those of you who’d rather read a description, here:
It’s a 14 second clip from what seems like a 3rd world country. It’s shot with a bad quality camera, probably a smartphone. It shows two children and a man. The man is facing away from us the whole time, facing the children. The children, a boy and a girl, are screaming in terror. The boy is hanging from the ceiling and his pants are at his ankles. He’s about 4 years old. The 2 or 3 year old girl is on the floor, doing her best to try and crawl away from the man, who is whipping her? Cattle prodding her? I’m not sure, I only watched once. Every once in a while he hit the boy, too.
That’s it. Watch if you want I guess, but I’m not going to do it again.
You want a response.. I put two warnings, said PLEASE don’t watch if your weak of heart.. said how it affected my wife.. but let’s look at something.. you’ve called me a faggot.. a shill... definitely antifa, cia etc..and not a patriot.. what else might you call me?? A racist? Maybe a homophobe?? Probably a list of “ists” you have ready !! Sounds pretty familiar .. not once even mentioning why !!
Maybe your attempting a little reversal of indictment here PL.. I know why I posted it..
Maybe you do too and don’t want it out !!
no reason to post shit like this. We all know evil exists. This isnt 4 chan. If you posted it and had proof of a specific person being involved then maybe. But you have nothing.
You are either too naive to understamd that or you are trying to take down this board.
Do not go to jail,
Do not go to prison,
These people need to go straight to hell,
Anyone who knows where this is happening and doesn’t say anything needs to go there as well
What the hell. People need to know what is happening to the children. How much more is WARNING ⛔️ WARNING WARNING. People need to know. This is heart breaking man up! Imagine the children saying PLEASE HELP why won’t you say anything.
Agreed. The American public needs to SEE this reality. Q mentioned that we need to show the (she)people. I’ve been screaming about this since pizzagate (thankQ, Julian Assange), but few want to hear about it and most think I’m a crazy “conspiracy theorist.” I feel so grateful for this board and for all the brave anons. Many outside of the US have been awake for years (err, centuries), I believe. How frustrating and scary for so many. Thousands of whistleblowers killed. So sad and infuriating. Justice needs to be done to all perpetrators. All “journalists” who suppressed these crimes against our most innocent gifts from God are complicit and also deserve the wrath of Lady Justice, and then some.
We are up against the evil of all evil. Spiritual war. Thankfully, GOD wins.
@MariaGoretti0706–Thank you so much. OldPatriot happens to be my husband we’ve been doing our research for few years on the horrendous horrible human sex trafficking, adrenochrome, organ harvesting. My husband is a warrior at heart he would defend any man, woman and child at the cost of his own life! Our heart is to get this out to put an end to this torturous genocide slavery even at the cost of being criticized, called names for sharing brutal truth...God bless you my friend and patriot
ThanQ fren, and ThanQ Oldpatriot! Both you and your husband, OldPatriot, are God’s Warriors. I commend your bravery for enduring this heartbreakingly difficult and scary work. You are so beyond courageous. This depravity will continue unless it’s SHOWN to the masses. God Bless you!
Please continue to be safe (also with computer research), please don’t take the vaccine, and please keep going with your important research. I will pray for you and yours daily.
Wow unbelievable. I believe my comment got deleted for speaking truth.
I could be wrong maybe it was a glitch on my part!
Moderators know about all this stuff that’s been happening against the children. My husband and I take this very serious. The war is against the children, is it not..
Then he gets the “follow the law post” and have a guy in here stirring the pot, running his mouth when this was a serious warning post, and sounding the alarm ? to this torturous abuse against the children I thought the great awakening was about the whole truth. Bring the law to my home I’m ready to lay down my life for the children or for standing up for truth! Unbelievable that the guy in here can stir the pot so much and run his mouth and nothing is said to him. When it’s something as serious as this! Please do not delete this comment
As for your comment, it was not deleted. Replies to stickied comments are hidden by default. To view replies to stickied comments, click 'permalink' under the comment.
As for the post, feel free to speak the truth, but child abuse/pornography videos cannot be posted to this board.
You need to put a description of what this is. I'm not clicking on anything. Voat refugees will understand where I'm coming from...
OP is a faggot for not describing what the video is. Dont watch it, probaly a trap.
patriotic_legend that was my point. Yes, don't watch the video. It is horrible beyond belief. The post really needed an NSFL (Not safe for life) tag.
agree, I dont trust anyone that would post a video like this. I didnt watch this one, but have seen some on voat. OP is not on our side.
Agree, far too bad even for good old voat. Which was pretty bad at times.
Just watched for about 3 seconds and I know them people need to die of slow painful deaths!?
That’s all I could handle
What the disgusting crap was that?! No offense but how does one even find horrifying videos like that? How could anyone look those up? Poor babies!!?
The mama bear in me wants to tear such scum apart, and I will not watch the video. But I've seen some pictures on Gab that made me want to call down fire from Heaven on whomever perpetrated such a crime!
Not gonna click it. What does it show?
I just saw this and..... crap.. speechless.. I’m not techy and want to do this right.. this horrific abuse can’t go on!! If I did things wrong in posting it I’m open to whatever.. but damn people need to understand how important and urgent this part of the battle is !!
fuck off faggot
Remember the posters that were up in the theater? Wasn't one of them Guardians vs. Pedophiles? Saw some eye-opening stuff even on Gab...You're right, someone needs to blow the whistle on this evil, but this video does not need to be up here.
yeah i should not have clicked that. we need god more than ever.
I am not clicking that shit. Maybe a honey trap. With showing kids hanging. No thank you.
I bet OP is fbi or cia trying to get us to view it then treat us like the jan 6 patriots.
OMG! 1 kid is hanging! the other being tazed or cattle prodded! Who the hell is doing this? Spread this far and wide. Give us more details on who, where, when so we can send it to every news outlet, every politician, every church. Everyone needs to see this and ACT.
ThanQ for the warning, Halya. I won’t watch.. just yet.
When youre ready I'm sure you will want to act on it. As per your name sake....
Hey moderators.. could someone put a warning tag on this for me.. not trying to harm anyone that may have gone through anything closely related to this. I’m new at all of this, had never seen anything like that, but people need to somehow know how horrendous the abuse is !!!
OP is not on our side guaranteed, probably from chyna!
Your schill
china said what?
I am kot watching this. I read some descriptions in the comments. OP, you need to add a description of what this is. Its fucked up, I get it, you are not savy on posting etiquette. More importantly, where did you find this video. Has this been reported to the police?
Do you need a VPN?
Just flagged as possible illegal content. Moderators, you need to remove this post.
NSFL: Warning how adrenochrome is made. Children being harmed.
Yeah, just don't watch. May need goatse to clear this out.
certainly not looking at a goatsee link you homo
LMAO. The picture is a meme reaction to it. I strongly encourage you to NOT look up actual goatse, or watch the LINKED video from OP.
That video from OP was beyond disturbing, and goatse is now the second-place finisher as the worst thing on the internet.
lol, I saw goatse in the text and wouldnt touch it so didnt see the meme.
I fully understand.
Had a co-worker/friend that was bugging me. He liked to spin people up. I kept sending him goatse reactions. The shocked look on people's faces but not actual goatse. One night I get a FU HTR from him. I asked why the hate. "I didn't know what goatse was so I looked it up."
Now he was an old-timer on the internet. I figured he already knew not to look. ?
But a good rule is "goatse; not even once"
it is text in your link. goatse is a famous shock pic from years ago.
Wow unbelievable. This stuff is really happening all the moderators know it too. Then you get guys like the one who’s stirring the pot in here. We take this serious. We’re not just trying to cause problems like other guy in here!!!! It’s a man brutally torturing children How Is this OKAY And my husband gets pounced on for brutal truth trying to sound the alarm ? getting people to wake up. Maybe not all truth is okay on great awakening Heart breaking for the children
Didn’t know it was illegal to share the truth .. But thank you !! This whole subject is so disturbing.. when I saw this I was livid.. still am.. as much as it enraged me to see it, it was an exclamation point for me on why we must do anything and everything to stop it !!
Thank you for pointing this out .. it was naivety on my part.. I shouldn’t be naive about anything at my age but on all of this internet propriety and associated laws, I am.. I don’t know who’s who on this sight and that’s ok.. but if I could make an observation.. and possibly a recommendation.. I posted this for the right intentions even if inappropriately.. I was called names and accused of having intentions that were graphic and definitely not consistent with my TRUE intentions .. if any one on the board were doing that how much better to give a quick explanation as to why without the character assassination? If it’s someone not on the board doing the assassinating , maybe a quick “ hey we are all on the same side here” and the explanation as to why the post was wrong.. I’m believing MOST folks on here have the same goals..
Sorry for lengthy response .. I’m here for the duration.. just fear that type of attack would push many of the people we are working to help see the truth either away or into hiding..
There are some things that you can never unsee We need to pray that these poor children are delivered from their tormentors and are at peace with Christ in heaven
You see why the trafficking of children has to be stopped. To know the horror and not support ending it, is complicity. When who is really responsible for the farming of terrorized children, that is when the shock is going to be so great for people they won't even want to get out of bed in the morning and face reality. Got to get this over with.
For those of you who’d rather read a description, here:
It’s a 14 second clip from what seems like a 3rd world country. It’s shot with a bad quality camera, probably a smartphone. It shows two children and a man. The man is facing away from us the whole time, facing the children. The children, a boy and a girl, are screaming in terror. The boy is hanging from the ceiling and his pants are at his ankles. He’s about 4 years old. The 2 or 3 year old girl is on the floor, doing her best to try and crawl away from the man, who is whipping her? Cattle prodding her? I’m not sure, I only watched once. Every once in a while he hit the boy, too.
That’s it. Watch if you want I guess, but I’m not going to do it again.
faggot OP cant even respond to me, he is definitely antifa or, cia, fbi or chinaman. For certain he is no patriot.
You want a response.. I put two warnings, said PLEASE don’t watch if your weak of heart.. said how it affected my wife.. but let’s look at something.. you’ve called me a faggot.. a shill... definitely antifa, cia etc..and not a patriot.. what else might you call me?? A racist? Maybe a homophobe?? Probably a list of “ists” you have ready !! Sounds pretty familiar .. not once even mentioning why !! Maybe your attempting a little reversal of indictment here PL.. I know why I posted it.. Maybe you do too and don’t want it out !!
no reason to post shit like this. We all know evil exists. This isnt 4 chan. If you posted it and had proof of a specific person being involved then maybe. But you have nothing.
You are either too naive to understamd that or you are trying to take down this board.
This is not a welcome or useful post.
Do not go to jail, Do not go to prison, These people need to go straight to hell, Anyone who knows where this is happening and doesn’t say anything needs to go there as well
I'm scared to watch hahaha
What the hell. People need to know what is happening to the children. How much more is WARNING ⛔️ WARNING WARNING. People need to know. This is heart breaking man up! Imagine the children saying PLEASE HELP why won’t you say anything.
watching it doesnt help anybody.
@Patriot_legend hearing you certainly doesn’t help anyone
ok fsggot who enjoys abuse videos.
Agreed. The American public needs to SEE this reality. Q mentioned that we need to show the (she)people. I’ve been screaming about this since pizzagate (thankQ, Julian Assange), but few want to hear about it and most think I’m a crazy “conspiracy theorist.” I feel so grateful for this board and for all the brave anons. Many outside of the US have been awake for years (err, centuries), I believe. How frustrating and scary for so many. Thousands of whistleblowers killed. So sad and infuriating. Justice needs to be done to all perpetrators. All “journalists” who suppressed these crimes against our most innocent gifts from God are complicit and also deserve the wrath of Lady Justice, and then some.
We are up against the evil of all evil. Spiritual war. Thankfully, GOD wins.
@MariaGoretti0706–Thank you so much. OldPatriot happens to be my husband we’ve been doing our research for few years on the horrendous horrible human sex trafficking, adrenochrome, organ harvesting. My husband is a warrior at heart he would defend any man, woman and child at the cost of his own life! Our heart is to get this out to put an end to this torturous genocide slavery even at the cost of being criticized, called names for sharing brutal truth...God bless you my friend and patriot
ThanQ fren, and ThanQ Oldpatriot! Both you and your husband, OldPatriot, are God’s Warriors. I commend your bravery for enduring this heartbreakingly difficult and scary work. You are so beyond courageous. This depravity will continue unless it’s SHOWN to the masses. God Bless you! Please continue to be safe (also with computer research), please don’t take the vaccine, and please keep going with your important research. I will pray for you and yours daily.
PS I watched the video.
what shithole is this?
Wow unbelievable. I believe my comment got deleted for speaking truth. I could be wrong maybe it was a glitch on my part! Moderators know about all this stuff that’s been happening against the children. My husband and I take this very serious. The war is against the children, is it not.. Then he gets the “follow the law post” and have a guy in here stirring the pot, running his mouth when this was a serious warning post, and sounding the alarm ? to this torturous abuse against the children I thought the great awakening was about the whole truth. Bring the law to my home I’m ready to lay down my life for the children or for standing up for truth! Unbelievable that the guy in here can stir the pot so much and run his mouth and nothing is said to him. When it’s something as serious as this! Please do not delete this comment
As for your comment, it was not deleted. Replies to stickied comments are hidden by default. To view replies to stickied comments, click 'permalink' under the comment.
As for the post, feel free to speak the truth, but child abuse/pornography videos cannot be posted to this board.
Maybe we make a new board, B7447? Obviously, the shills and the she(people) can’t handle the truth!