Okay so LIBERTYanon just posted about eagles and another post about idaho and i think i cracked it
In this post it talks about 54 lambs being killed by bald eagles in idaho. Immediately this made me think about patriots eating the sheep. Then after reading a few more comments i came to the conclusion from a post earlier about oregon states joining idaho. As someone mentioned in the eagle post, eagles do not usually eat animals besides fish. So lambs would be unusual.
This is where my autist brain kicked in. The number 54. Idaho has 44 counties, and 7 are supposed to leave from oregon to idaho bringing idahos counties to 51. Very close to that 54. What if 3 more are thinking about joining bringing it to 54??? Idaho is a patriot state, and oregon is a sheep state. Could this mean idahos going to eat up more counties from oregon to bring its total to 54? Need some autists in here
Hmm... Just clicked through and read the article. The timing seems about right, as this notion of joining Idaho began recently, possibly in April as per the article.
But the content of the article is plausible on its own. They aren't killing sheep, they are killing lambs, which is even more plausible. (I remember a few years back, from Spain, that buzzards were attacking live sheep because of stupid EU regulations that required farmers to remove carrion, denying them their normal food supply.)
If it were comms about sheep, the article would say sheep. Another measure of whether it's comms or not is how much the article is pushed. If it's viral, look into it more, but if it's just the one, I'd dismiss it unless you are a livestock rancher. Also check out the names of the people involved. Here's the original article it seems to come from. https://magicvalley.com/business/agriculture/bald-eagles-kill-54-sheep-at-magic-valley-farm/article_c654073c-dda1-53e8-a15a-72dad5f1e0ed.html
Lambs are baby sheep, so still the same species. It does seem plausible that its a true story, but so does it being comms, i figured having some more brains thinking about this could find a lot more than i could on my own. Gonna check out that article. Thanks for digging
Edit: Tired af been up all night, but i gave the article a quick read and a few things stood out to me.
From the article: (In one day, Matthews lost seven lambs.
“I truly think he was just honing his skills because you don’t kill seven of them out of need, ” he said of the eagle.)
This makes me think about the 7 counties all joining from oregon.
Also from the article: (“In 45 days, I’ll be out of sheep,” Matthews said)
Seems weird to me he would say 45 days exactly could be a reference to trump? I haven't looked into comms too much so maybe if a more skilled autist could read the article you linked there might be more to it. Maybe im just connecting dots that aren't there but it does seem to have a lot of Q-incidences
Yeah, but comms often are crazily specific, repeating the numbers and stuff like that. Maybe there's a separate comms meaning for lambs versus sheep. The decoding symbols guy points or that they often have things like "innocent bystander John Woolly, in his winter fleece jacket, said 'I saw them kill 18 lambs for 3 days'" or whatever, because they need to get their point across.
There was a recent decode on this site about a Philly primary election, and if you read the articles it's easy to see (once you see it, that is). That was fun for me to read and share the discovery. Among other things, they appear to have randomly changed the name of a circus tiger just to fit the comms. (Search "Philly" in the search bar and I think you'll find it.) They also had a random source unknown guy saying something important and totally uncheckable.
I'd like this to be comms, but I'm afraid this is simply a rancher worried about losing his hide, although it seems he'll be reimbursed if you see the follow-up articles. He just applied for a permit to scare off the eagles.
"Applying for a permit to scare off the eagles" could mean getting the green light from someone to harass (or worse) the patriots advocating for the annexation.
I'm thinking something like Antifa or BLM.
Wow. I am tired af couldn't give it my best effort and even if i wasn't not sure i'd make that connection. Think you're on to something if this is comms which i believe it is
I'll check into that. Yeah for me this could be either way. Just because it's idaho and idaho is eating a part of oregon. Patriot eating sheep. Eagle eating lamb. I think its interesting for sure and thats why i made this post to get other opinions on it