Holy shit, the 11.3 law of war theory is true. Can't believe I missed this
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Is d for Democrat? I took it as domestic.
I think many following Q miss the point - it isn’t about democrat vs republican. If anything Q is meant more to wake up the right/republicans simply because it will be easier to get them to challenge their leadership vs the left who will never question authority as long as that authority maintains/progresses a campaign of wokeness which imbibes some sense of moral superiority to the point they think they cannot be the problem.
The right however, has logical folk and religious folk.. the logical ones will question when presented evidence, the religious ones are even easier to”wake up” for the same reason they’re easier to trick - just cast light on the true values and religious faith of the people they are being led by.
And from there, once the right is fully woke up, we eat the right side alive essentially with primarily our own “Awoke” people, and from there the party changes and this influence changes and the left expose themselves more until enough hard evidence, irrefutable evidence, of their crimes and lies and manipulation are exposed to wake the left up... cuz that’s whY the left is harder to wake up to the truth - they are waiting on irrefutable evidence. Provided that, most of them will wake up.
Inb4 someone says “hurrrdurrr leftists don’t care about facts” - remember, most of the facts as we see it are not irrefutable evidence - it’s easier for us to accept things that are not solid 100% fact under law because we see the bigger picture (again, because we have been primed to by seeing the corruption of our own leadership)
Good points. I agree that D means Domestic. To free the US is only one step of the Q plan (to save the world).