posted ago by Huffman98 ago by Huffman98 +68 / -0

See images of the relevant emails at https://imgur.com/uWt6TkJ and https://imgur.com/35qwWvF

Here we have an email chain consisting of Fauci and several colleagues where they are putting together a team tasked with whitewashing the manmade origins of SARS-CoV-2. "Zuckerberg Chan Biohub" - set up by Mark Zuck of FB fame and his Chicom wife Priscilla Chan - are front and center.


Here are the people Fauci wanted on this team critical to keeping the public in the dark about West Taiwan's biowarfare efforts:

Harold Varmus - Weill Cornell Medical Center Feng Zhang - MIT (CRISPR expert) Joseph DeRisi - Chan Zuckerberg Biohub Don Ganem - UCSF + Chan Zuckberberg Biohub John Coffin - Tufts University Eugene Koonin - NIH, NCBI (National Library of Medicine) Wayne Hendrickson - Columbia University Gary Nabel - Sanofi S.A. (French Big Pharma giant) Pardis Sabeti - Broad Institute (MIT/Harvard)

All of these varmints could use a good dig.