I've been getting a lot of junk mail from the RNC lately. I suspect more than a few people are pissed at the RNC for not backing Trump when he needed it, and people who normally would support the RNC without asking too many questions are no longer giving them a dime.
The RNC is going to have to go through Trump for support, and that means more house cleaning. The RNC won't have much choice - they get with the program, or they wither away.
Just write "NO!!!" on their donation request form and place it in the return envelope to mail back.
It costs the RNC about $1.30 for every return mailed envelope. :>)
If you feel particularly mean, add exactly 33 cents worth of pennies to the envelope so they pay EXTRA due to the weight.
If the RNC complains at all (which they might)... tell them the pennies got into the envelope by mistake, then demand your money back. Tell them to either mail you a check for 33-cents... or else to just mail your change back to you. :>)
I've been getting a lot of junk mail from the RNC lately. I suspect more than a few people are pissed at the RNC for not backing Trump when he needed it, and people who normally would support the RNC without asking too many questions are no longer giving them a dime.
The RNC is going to have to go through Trump for support, and that means more house cleaning. The RNC won't have much choice - they get with the program, or they wither away.
Make sure you mail back all the envelopes. Negative fund raising if they have to pay postage on millions of returned empty fundraising envelopes.
Just write "NO!!!" on their donation request form and place it in the return envelope to mail back.
It costs the RNC about $1.30 for every return mailed envelope. :>) If you feel particularly mean, add exactly 33 cents worth of pennies to the envelope so they pay EXTRA due to the weight.
If the RNC complains at all (which they might)... tell them the pennies got into the envelope by mistake, then demand your money back. Tell them to either mail you a check for 33-cents... or else to just mail your change back to you. :>)
33-pence, just like betraying Jesus for 30 pieces of silver! I like it!