Plz Lord provide myself and my sister *Gwyn, not he real name the patience and Love btwn us so the truth shall be fully manifested.
Her neighbour has 3 children naturally between herself and her husband. The oldest is 9 years old. Over the last 2 1⁄2 years they've been trying to have more children. Unfortunately as she reaches her 2nd trimester the babies are lost.
Her friend *Lisa now has 2 viable fertilized eggs, hers and husbands sperm. Actually twins. A boy and a girl. Have no idea how the sex could be known.
My sister is eager to carry one of the eggs for her friend. Within her liberal circle of friends they have noticed, rcvd news about The ' low probabilty' of vax related ' natural abortions'.
Unsure if Lisa got vaxed or not. My sister has. Her periods have been, continue to highly irregular. She puts it all on ' stressors of life '
Ive got a tremendous pit in my stomach since she shared this news with me a few nights ago. I am deeply worried for her health.
She will only read, what she thinks, feels are viable legit Scientific data, reports from the CDC, Lancet,etc. Even then scoffs at them.
Does any fellow Patriot have links to other studies especially from other countries, not the USA? I feel that similar data, reputable sources will hopefully see that her misguided information, mindset she currently has is wrong. She really thinks that the vaccines are safe. And all of the news are being over blown, over inflated.
I love my sister. I do not care who she votes for. I do not want her to endure any unnecessary health issues moving forward with her decision.
This is targeted for the first week of July. After all of the legal documents are created, reviewed by both sets of lawyers, then signed and notarized.
Plz no snarky comments twrds my sister, her vax status. Looking for compassionate Patriots who would also fight for their Loved ones over all health, well being.
All the best to you my fellow Tribe
Sorry just saw this....
Did not work out. Lost it
Oh, I'm very sorry. Prayers toward your sister