Goodness, there are so many things on the internet explaining the nefarious plots of evil people... my head is spinning. Illuminati, Freemasons, Marxists, China, Communists, Democrats, Rinos, Corporate Giants, Bilderbergers, Zionist Jews, NWO, Reset, Khazarian Jews, BLM, Antifa, Liberals, Woke, Soros, Gates, Mossad, Deep State, etc., etc., etc.
Can anyone recommend something that explains how they all fit together? Some are leaders. Some are tools. Some are forums. Some are lesser entities doing their role. Are they all working for Satan? Are they competing with each other?
Patriots and Q and Anons and Jesus are against them all. We win in the end, but in the fight to get to the end I want to understand my enemy.
Insights appreciated.
Hope this helps.
There is a necessary disinformation aspect to The Art of War. There was a time when Trump was not aware of who the bad players were. The quotes are not dated but appear to be from way back when he did not know about Epstien and Weinstein. We learned that Kushner was actually working against the president during the campaign; like many others he was sabotaging from within. There are no named sources from US or British Military. We have learned not to trust "Unnamed Sources". I am certain if there was any proof that Trump visited Epstein's island it would have been repeatedly blasted all across the MSM.