... what happens with the Senate and Congress seats? Surely a new election will be needed to get bona fide candidates to fill them, there is no way to recount all the existing votes. Good way to get the Rhinos out too.
Still waking up, so maybe that is not a smart thing to ask but hmmm... What do you folks think?
Not by itself. Need more than just AZ votes alone being canceled to change the electoral college vote totals in Trumps favor.
However, confirmed election fraud in AZ will trigger audits in other states. I believe it will also open the door for new legal challenges to the election, and I am sure it will lead to criminal investigations- those votes didn't rig themselves.
I believe the real challenge to the election results will happen after fraud is proven beyond a reasonable doubt in two or more states, particularly if it's proven that it was a coordinated, (it was) interstate effort. Crime that crosses state lines is a much bigger deal, and calls for legal action at the federal level. The supreme court can't hide from hearing cases at that point.