How is it that Trump was able to win 2016 and not 2020? Did Trumps team block the fraud in 2016 somehow and decide not to in 2020? Or did the DS just get lazy in 2016 because they thought Trump couldn't win and not do as much fraud stuff as 2020?
Like Q says it has to be this way, so Im thinking Trumps team let Biden "win" in 2020. I think Biden will be impeached, the Federal Government is gonna be abolished and there will be elections for new Governors. Desantis is showing citizens how they should expect their state leader to act. I think Trump and his team are working with Desantis. They exposed the Governors power and corruption over this pandemic for a reason.
My guess is that the white hats prevented some fraud in 2016 but the main issue was that they just underestimated the Trump vote. Hillary wanted Trump to run because she believed her own publicity and Trump was an unqualified idiot.
Then, in 2020, the Democrats threw everything at the election. They pre-planned the pauses in the counting so that even the biggest landslide to Trump could be countered. Everything you could think of doing to gain votes, they did.
Then, Trump et al just sat back and watched them from a SCIF while capturing everything.
My belief is that if Trump had overturned the 2020 election the Dems would pursue a relentless "Trump stole it" agenda for the next four years and nothing would change. So, Trump took the hit in the hope that people will slowly be brought round to the view that there are issues with US elections that need to be fixed. Didn't he say once that the one thing he wanted to be remembered for was removing fraud from the elections?
She knew the fix was in and she didn’t even have to try. She did a few rallies as eye wash for us commoners. She was supremely confident because it was all rigged for her. All she had to do is show up. But the fixers apparently called in sick on Nov 3,2016.
Agreed. Her expression on election night and the lack of a concession speech spoke volumes.