There have been several stories floating around the internet alleging the Covid Vaccines are shedding. Each of our health experiences with the vaccinated vary. Some say they got sick, others don't notice a thing.
I do not believe there have been any conclusive scientific evidence or studies proving one way or the other with this vaccine shedding claim (at least not enough to be 110% convinced.) Any professional sources who weigh in on the possibility seem anecdotal at best. Which brings me to my point: Do not fall for division tactics.
Until it's proven beyond a doubt, this "Vaccine Shedding" story is in itself an attack on us to further divide us from our families. Remember, the Deep State bastards want to do whatever they can to inject an ounce of fear into you. That's how they manipulate you to act in their favor. And they're desparate.
Rant on/ I don't care if it's real or not, I'm going to be spouting off about it to the vaxxed and mask nazi's every chance I get. Insisting on distancing, they wear a mask, etc. As far as division goes? A whole lot of people that weren't bamboozeled by the lies and were actively voting FOR communism, all they've earned from me is millstone chained around their neck and marched into the low tide at bayonet point. /rant off ... and may everyone go with Jesus and in Peace.