You're a naive low energy doomer if you really think this plan hedges on 2024. Realize that nothing is stopping Biden/Harris from suspending the 2024 elections just like Trudeau suspended elections in Canada. Q and Q+ are NOT waiting for 2024. Why do you think the MSM and DS are panicking so much about the audits? They wouldn't give a shit.
Have some faith for once or pack up and move over to with that low energy.
"Sooner than you think" means "sooner than you think". The audits matter. Showing people the truth, not telling them, matters. Dark to light. 11.3 = law of war manual.
"[D] + China = 11.3
Q" - Q post #4524
This is much bigger than anyone realizes.
People here have a very short memory. Most here seem to forget that this is a Q forum, not a Trump forum. Everyone here is whining about what Trump is or isn't doing and completely forgetting that the plan is bigger than Trump. "Do you have a plan after Trump? Q: Yes." No one here seems to remember how often Q has told us that all of this would happen, has already hinted MULTIPLE times at Biden taking the White House, "would China own the White House?" and that it had to be this way in order to show people the truth. Everyone seems to be ignoring the military who are still in D.C., all the Q hints about the law of war manual, Trump's advisors stating that he could be reinstated after the audits, General Flynn hinting that what happened in Myanmar (martial law) could happen here too, all the times lately that President Trump has stated that China must pay, the list goes on. If even President Trump tells you to have faith and assures that we all have a reason to be very happy soon, then do so, otherwise only a shill would doom at this point.
People continue to misunderstand the plan. This has nothing to do with saving 'normies'. It's not about republican vs democrat. It's about exposing China. We are at war with China, and the whole world needs to know that they helped steal this election and unleashed a bioweapon upon everyone, destroying 80% of the world economy. The world needs to know what China has done, and they need to know that our entire Federal Government worked with/for China. This is about exposing and removing foreign influence, thus saving our country. Stop whining about lefties when this has nothing to do with them.
I didn’t mention “lefties” even a single time. You have an inflexible narrative to push.
lefties/normies are interchangeable terms. Still, you're whining about the plan claiming that it's all about waking up normies. You're failing to see what's right in front of you. Go back and re-read the Q posts.
I am not whining. And not all "normies" are left leaning politically. You are full of exaggeration. It's hard to take you seriously.
Maybe read a dictionary definition of the word whining then go back and re-read your post where you're clearly whining that the plan is not playing out the way YOU want it.