This is very important to note…If it wasn’t for Operation Warpspeed, then we would NOT be re-opening at the rate we are. We would be in an eternal lockdown. 5/10 years or more, that was the plan for The Great Reset. Not to mention, it would be ABSOLUTELY MANDATORY FOR EVERYONE. We got ahead of their EVIL plans for MASSIVE death, and depopulation.
Operation Warpspeed made sure that it was an FDA Emergency use authorization WHILE Trump was still President, thus ensuring it would NOT be mandatory when he left. That’s why he says “We saved so many lives”…He HAS to continue to tow the vaccine line. Optics!... Its Brilliant...
You're completely ignoring the fact that it's killing people... and we have no idea of the long term effects.
Yet you say this is a good thing.
The vaccine is either beneficial or evil. It can't be both
Less terrible is sometimes the best that can be done.
5 year lockdown and mandatory annual vaccines under globohomo tyranny doesn't sound better. The man gave plnty of attention to hcq and made sure they couldn't force vaccines. Free will can be rough when people choose poorly, but no one was forced to do anything. That might not be a win, but it is loosing less.
No but he could’ve done what he needed to do and then kept quiet about it. He ended up convincing a lot of people to take the vax when he bragged about them in every single speech, people that were on the fence that trusted him, my parents included.
Me too. My fam are trumpers but all still completely brainwashed. They all took it.