Getting into the beginning of it and he is talking about some pretty wild stuff. It’s even more interesting that the book was written back in 1991.
My question is, is Bill Cooper legit and how does he align with the GA?
Getting into the beginning of it and he is talking about some pretty wild stuff. It’s even more interesting that the book was written back in 1991.
My question is, is Bill Cooper legit and how does he align with the GA?
u/trumpistheman2020: u/TheHenchman:
Well this book is indeed mindblowing.
On which side is Aquino according to our data ? Proof he is on their side or "our snake" ? According to what we know he shall be their snake but checks needed.
Ok,Aquino is satanist but you know what is REALLY interesting ?
Also I would want to ask you about this - why they put Aquino on the list accused of affiliations with Q supporting ?
Key thing 4 me to get future theories. Researching Aquino MindWar book now, CU later.
Find or download BaPH pdf and go to page page 369 to 380. I suspect we might be indeed in greatest psyop in history being counter-psyop to communist one. You don't know probably - any of you were reading "New lies for old" by Anatoliy Golitsyn ?
The Satanist also wrote the military handbook giving privilege to his religion
oh,ok. But which one mil handbook ? By the way book "MindWar" is quite disappointing. Unless read "reversed" way,then it eventually might be treated like useful info about powerful psyop operation,but overall still looks highly disappointing...
After reading special ops magazine and article of Lt.Col Hickman I ever almost believed it is the truth that US PSYOP forces are so retarded to believe they are not intelligence but some marketing and psychology...
Army I guess Here is a good article about the fuckhead