If your from Europe, you can order Ivermectine from this shop:
and search for eqimectin 800.
During the payment process, select pick up by postal service and let the prescription be done by the shop.
It works, I have 6 tubes now, maybe you could also order international, but there's customs coming into play.
Edit: fixed the link.
https://www.thecompleteguidetohealth.com/david-degraw-has-been-a-leading-voice-in-the-campaign-to-raise-awareness-about-ivermectin.html Most doctors recommend a dosage of Ivermectin of 0.2 mg per kg of body weight, which means that 60 kg body weight leads to a 12 mg dose…. .2 mg/kg = 200 mcg/kg Ivermectin paste is 200 mcg/kg *Would follow exact weight guide