I myself was afraid at one point. I didn't know anything about Q, nor the Luciferian Cabal, etc. I wasn't completely daft, I was aware of media lies, and Hitlery, Bengazi, etc., but of the larger picture of manipulation I was clueless.
So I was afraid of Covid. I thought it was going to be really bad. I believed the propaganda coming out of China, or rather, I believed that they were hiding how bad it was (which was the reverse psychology of it). And then I realized the data didn't support the media narrative. There was something very fishy. And then masks and social distancing, lockdowns etc. I bought into it, but after a couple weeks I started digging into the science and none of the actions made any sense with the actual science. It was also obvious some actions were causing deaths (like Cuomo's nursing home fiasco) and I started to recognize the narrative was fraud.
But in the beginning, I was afraid, and I had no facts to back up that fear, only media narratives. Even though I already knew they lied constantly, they were still able to sell me their fear porn for a couple months.
I had to learn how to see through the narrative on my own before I began to understand that there was a true collusion of evil going on. Only then could I even look for the bigger picture.
It takes longer for some than for others, but everyone needs to realize they have been a fool before they will be willing to make the changes, and do what is necessary to never be fooled (and controlled) again.
I was concerned about bioweapons, but not afraid. I guess I'm optimistic that every ill has a treatment, but also maybe I already knew enough that narratives immediately started looking false. Then when everyone went crazy I was alarmed!
Yes. That is an excellent way of putting it.
I myself was afraid at one point. I didn't know anything about Q, nor the Luciferian Cabal, etc. I wasn't completely daft, I was aware of media lies, and Hitlery, Bengazi, etc., but of the larger picture of manipulation I was clueless.
So I was afraid of Covid. I thought it was going to be really bad. I believed the propaganda coming out of China, or rather, I believed that they were hiding how bad it was (which was the reverse psychology of it). And then I realized the data didn't support the media narrative. There was something very fishy. And then masks and social distancing, lockdowns etc. I bought into it, but after a couple weeks I started digging into the science and none of the actions made any sense with the actual science. It was also obvious some actions were causing deaths (like Cuomo's nursing home fiasco) and I started to recognize the narrative was fraud.
But in the beginning, I was afraid, and I had no facts to back up that fear, only media narratives. Even though I already knew they lied constantly, they were still able to sell me their fear porn for a couple months.
I had to learn how to see through the narrative on my own before I began to understand that there was a true collusion of evil going on. Only then could I even look for the bigger picture.
It takes longer for some than for others, but everyone needs to realize they have been a fool before they will be willing to make the changes, and do what is necessary to never be fooled (and controlled) again.
I was concerned about bioweapons, but not afraid. I guess I'm optimistic that every ill has a treatment, but also maybe I already knew enough that narratives immediately started looking false. Then when everyone went crazy I was alarmed!