When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
When studying history the only thing you can be sure of is that everyone lies to spin their narrative into the best possible light. Our history as told is muddled and mucked up by self-serving tyrants on both sides.
I doubt you were ever told history from a Catholic historian. Public schools, libraries, radio, publishing houses, TV printed media and universities are all controlled by Freemasons in the USA.
Well I did go to Catholic schools and almost all of my teachers were either nuns or Jesuits.
Was that post 1960?
Then you got post NWO-takeover "Catholic" history.