I can easily imagine corrupt people using false positives to pick the winners in sports...
they did it when they crushed small businesses in favor of WalMart, etc..
I can easily imagine corrupt people using false positives to pick the winners in sports...
they did it when they crushed small businesses in favor of WalMart, etc..
There's your answer right there: 1.7 million...17. Comms received, 5:5.
That 17 number really is everywhere, I literally see it all the time now in daily life. What do you think this one means?
Someone is trying to show that all major sports are rigged -- my guess is because of gambling.
Ever notice how a team is hot...until they get into playoffs, then suddenly their play is lackluster, like they don't even care if they win or not? Why is that? Did they suddenly decide they don't want the fame and money that goes along with winning a major championship...or did they get their payoff in some other way?
Got it. Makes total sense. I grew up a Detroit Lions fan, while the team has historically been awful they were 100% screwed from winning a number of important games by horrible referee calls. I stopped watching the NFL because it was obvious it was rigged and them touting their SJW nonsense. Wouldn’t shock me one bit if others were as well, even a “gentleman’s” sport like Golf.
Also see this as a ploy for the media to tout the “another example of why you should get vaccinated” angle. Not falling for it, they can shove it.