Remind me again how Texas is "turning blue?" But in all seriousness, I'm convinced at this point that the the only people who vote blue are rich white (sub)urban liberals. Literally every other voting block seems to either be conservative or growing increasingly conservative.
I'm also convinced that this is how they cheat and "turn states blue". They use their media talking head puppets to push a narrative about a certain demographic voting blue and how they demographics of certain states are changing. Then increase their cheating proportionately till they eventually get the result they want in that state.
That being said, it would appear they over played their hand in the last several elections and made things too obvious. Now it's coming back to bite them and I can't wait to see the end result.
LOL on Texas turning blue. Scroll down to the section titled "County flips and significant shifts" and feast your eyes on the facts. These results must've been very sobering for the demwits.
As far as those counties in the Major Party Shift category you are correct, along with some center right counties moving to far right.
As far as those counties in the Flipped category, center left counties moved to center right. One of those counties, Zapata, hadn't voted for a republican president in like 100 years.
Remind me again how Texas is "turning blue?" But in all seriousness, I'm convinced at this point that the the only people who vote blue are rich white (sub)urban liberals. Literally every other voting block seems to either be conservative or growing increasingly conservative.
I'm also convinced that this is how they cheat and "turn states blue". They use their media talking head puppets to push a narrative about a certain demographic voting blue and how they demographics of certain states are changing. Then increase their cheating proportionately till they eventually get the result they want in that state.
That being said, it would appear they over played their hand in the last several elections and made things too obvious. Now it's coming back to bite them and I can't wait to see the end result.
LOL on Texas turning blue. Scroll down to the section titled "County flips and significant shifts" and feast your eyes on the facts. These results must've been very sobering for the demwits.
So basically the far-left voters are moving toward center-left?
Did I get that right?
As far as those counties in the Major Party Shift category you are correct, along with some center right counties moving to far right.
As far as those counties in the Flipped category, center left counties moved to center right. One of those counties, Zapata, hadn't voted for a republican president in like 100 years.