MAGA124 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah she came across as an extremely selfish person. She's miserable because of her condition and wants to force others to be miserable too.

MAGA124 6 points ago +6 / -0


Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo was born to a secular Jewish family in Mexico City.[11] Her paternal Ashkenazi grandparents emigrated from Lithuania to Mexico City in the 1920s, while her maternal Sephardic grandparents emigrated there from Plovdiv, Bulgaria, in the early 1940s to escape the Holocaust. She celebrated all the Jewish holidays at her grandparents' homes.>

Color me shocked!


Religions in Mexico

Catholic 92,924,489 82.72%

Judaism 67,476 0.06%

This should be interesting!

The presence of Jews in Mexico dates back to 1521, when Hernán Cortés conquered the Aztecs, accompanied by several Conversos.[citation needed] According to the last national census by the INEGI, there are now more than 67,000 Mexican Jews, roughly 95% of whom live in the Greater Mexico City area.[10]

Gee, I wonder why.

MAGA124 5 points ago +5 / -0

These idiots still haven't figured out that when your're already starving to death, maybe bringing more children into this world isn't the smartest idea. Trying to teach them farming is a lost cause without fixing the root cause of the problem. And there's about 50 of them in that picture alone.

MAGA124 6 points ago +6 / -0

And sunglasses. And walk with awkward movements in your arms and with a fake limp or pigeon toed or use different height shoes to throw off their gait analysis software.

MAGA124 8 points ago +8 / -0

We all know full well that she didn't get that tattoo of the batch number on her arm to "open conversations with people" of the adverse reaction she's having. She's trying to hide the fact that she was a nutjob pro-vax zealot. We all remember the type and their posts on social media calling us horse paste eaters and bleach injecters.

I'm sorry but it's still too fresh in my memory to forgive. Maybe when the dipshit potato is out of office and this country returns to being prosperous again. But right now, I just can't do it. We saw this coming but were forced to feel the emotional and economic pain that their decisions caused. That anger caused by the betrayal from our fellow man is gonna take some time to subside.

Some of us lost more than just loved ones. Some of us got kicked in the nuts hard economically! It's gonna take some of us a little more time to forgive. We're too busy trying to regain what we lost to have any sympathy for them right now.

MAGA124 6 points ago +6 / -0

They look like 50 year olds that are trying to look 25.

MAGA124 2 points ago +2 / -0

Stock charts of defense contractors:

Lockheed Martin https://files.catbox.moe/lyz32g.PNG

Northrop Grumman https://files.catbox.moe/303sci.PNG

RTX (Formerly Ratheon) https://files.catbox.moe/z94f1k.PNG

War is a racket.

Major General Smedley D. Butler

United States Marine Corps


by G-Anon
MAGA124 2 points ago +2 / -0

That is a tough question to answer. On the one hand, I would love nothing more than to see these mini tyrants get destroyed for forcing those unwilling to get the jab; however, living with the jabbed after they've "gotten a taste for blood" would be very dangerous for us.

Definitely headed for some crazy times.

by G-Anon
MAGA124 2 points ago +2 / -0

Clif High on this exact topic. Gave me chills the first time I heard this clip.


MAGA124 1 point ago +1 / -0

That would be knees.

Edit: Looks like Red_Pill_Pusher_Man beat me to it.

MAGA124 3 points ago +3 / -0

Evidently a lot of the same anons here that swore up and down that football was dead to them after all the kneeling blm flag waving bullshit couldn't even make it passed a couple of years without returning for another helping of bread and circuses.

Then they constantly complain on here that the same organization that allowed all that woke bs and disrespect of our nations flag is giving airtime to a pasty transgender satanic witch for views and to set the stage for a tranny political agenda. Don't like what you're seeing?.........turn the damn TV off and quit yer bitching!

I wonder how many of you have resumed to drinking Bud Light too?!

MAGA124 1 point ago +1 / -0

Kindly bitch slap him for me the next time you see him. Thanks in advance!

MAGA124 4 points ago +4 / -0

They purposely separated and postponed the part of the trial dealing with illegal political donations because their plan all along was to drop this part of the case to protect all the corrupt ass politicians getting dirty money.

MAGA124 1 point ago +1 / -0

Drill Baby Drill could be used as a stop gap for preventing a collapse or getting us out of one quickly. We would ultimately need to pivot away from our current debt based system to a system that is backed by something of actual value.

MAGA124 1 point ago +1 / -0

The Dow just broke the January 3, 2022 ATH of 36,952.65 on December 13th. It should pull back to that level to test it for support. If this level holds chances are we're going up for at least a little while longer. I think January to March will be very telling on which direction we're gonna go.

We would need to abandon this current system in order for a 4 year (or less) recovery to even be feasible. I don't see us going through all this awakening process just to end up trying to fix this current system. It would take decades to recover from a collapse.

The most logical way to restore our republic would be for the white hats to red pill the normies on the history of the Fed and how we've been duped into being debt slaves in USA Inc. Next we abandon this system altogether and leave the bankster assholes drowning in their now worthless monopoly money. We would also need to seize all their assets including the countless tons of physical gold they hold as well. Leave them without a pot to piss in.

BRICS coming online is going to throw a monkey wrench into this whole house of cards too. If we managed to pivot to a gold backed system as well, these BRICS nations would demand we show proof that we have the gold to back our new gold backed dollars. At this point, we better hope that the WH's have recovered all our gold.

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