Feels just like the flu fwiw.
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Spring Valley vitamins are not made in China. They are manufactured by a company in New York. The reason a lot of their supplements say 'product of China' or something similar is because many of the herbs that are popular as supplements (Ginko biloba for example) are grown only (or primarily) in China. So a huge percentage of the ingredients for ALL supplement manufacturers come from China.
I can't vouch for the purity of their products, but as someone who is poor and struggling with several long term chronic health issues, I can afford their products whereas I cannot afford all of the fancy name brand stuff that often costs 5 or 10 times as much. But I take more than a dozen supplements daily and they do what they are supposed to do. If I stop taking any of them I can tell very quickly as my symptoms get worse. Are there better brands out there? Of course, but usually at a much higher price. Lower purity products can still provide some benefit for those who can't afford anything else.
tldr: Spring Valley supplements are manufactured in New York, not China. It is many of the plants that are grown in China.
I'm just going by what I've seen in the past where it stated made in china right on the bottle. I used to buy Spring Valley vitamins too until I found out they got busted for selling fake supplements.
If cost is an issue might I suggest buying in bulk from online vendors. For example, I buy 400mg CoQ10 in 300 capsule bottles from favmedsusa.com for $55 and they're "sourced, freshly bottled and sealed, exclusively from USA based GMP Approved Laboratories."
Look at the date on the article you linked: 6 years ago. A lot has changed. Spring Valley vitamins and supplements are now made by a New York company with a decent reputation. Are they the highest quality available? Of course not, but they fill an important niche for many people. And many of their herbs are sourced from China because they grow huge quantities there and it's much more cost effective than growing them in climates where they don't do well.
I've done a ton of research online, and I'm pretty confident in saying that you can find plenty of good and bad reviews of ANY supplement company. What do we know about all these internet sites that do the reviews? Nothing. They can be either honest or dishonest just as the manufacturers can and we have no idea of knowing which it is except by trying their products and seeing for ourselves. I've tried several, and I have had good experiences with Spring Valley, and for cheaper than any other brand.
You see, this is where a huge disconnect happens for a lot of people. $55 may be reasonable and doable for you, but is probably 3 times what I can spend on vitamins and supplements at one time, and I take more than a dozen each day. Are the supplements you buy a higher quality than Spring Valley? Almost certainly, and I'm glad you can afford them. I and many others in similar situations can't afford $55 for a single bottle of one supplement. From personal experience over the last 3 years, Spring Valley products are relatively effective, and a relatively effective product I can afford is better than a higher quality product I can't afford (ie nothing).
I'm not telling you or anyone else to start buying Spring Valley products. If you can afford higher quality then you're better off doing so. But don't throw around complete misinformation about something being "made in China crap" when that is completely untrue. You'll cause many struggling people to bypass products that may be the only thing they can afford and instead they'll have nothing because they can't afford what you tell them they should buy.
I'm very well aware of the article being 6 years old. Once a company screws me over by selling me a fake product, I don't usually give them a 2nd chance. Especially not a large greedy corporation like walmart.
Did you even bother checking out the website linked? They sell smaller sizes too. Yes $55 is a lot for 1 bottle, but that bottle is almost a years supply of 400mg CoQ10 if you take 1 per day. Walmart doesn't even sell 400mg capsules of Spring Valley on their website. But they do sell a 60 capsule bottle of 200mg CoQ10 for $18.64. I can buy the same size 60 capsule bottle of 200mg CoQ10 for $15.75 with free shipping from favmedsusa. You're literally paying 18% more buying it from walmart.