[ Australia's biggest ever police bust has seen not only seen the arrests of the Who's Who of the global criminal underworld, but yielded an extraordinary haul of 3.77 tonnes of drugs, $45 million in cash, guns, luxury cars, motorbikes and watches.
The country's Federal Police released pictures of the wealth, firepower and even taste in gangster movies of those arrested during sweeping raids across the country, the U.S., Britain and wider Europe after the alleged criminals were covertly monitored for three years using an encrypted communication app called 'AN0M'.
They allegedly used the app, secretly developed by the FBI, to message each other around the world, unaware everything they said and did was being intercepted by FBI special agents and the Australian Federal Police.](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9661943/Huge-AFP-bust-sees-bikies-criminals-gangsters-arrested-Australia-wide-raids.html)
Might be some good guys in the FBI after all.
But, at the same time this was using something that fooled people into believing their privacy was safe.
This should continue to be a wake-up call to everyone that governments do create things with the express purpose of gathering as much data on people as possible, under the guise of protecting it.
This. Just because the collected data was for the good doesn’t mean that it’s good to be collecting our data.