Does anyone have first hand knowledge of whether any or all military branches may soon start mandating covid vaccines? Am hearing alarming scuttlebut, but no clear confirmation as yet.
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I know someone in the Army. Its not mandatory stateside, but he is deploying to South Korea in 6 months and they are telling him that SK is requiring it. Thus if he refuses to take the jab then they have to reassign him blah blah. Which can negatively effect his career etc.
They also aren't allowing people who are un-vaccinated to have their freedom. They can't leave base blah blah. Do not doubt they are pushing them to get it.
Taking it agfect his life. I'd get out before I'd take it.
I'm pretty sure he wants o be career Army. My only hope is that he can tell them he'd like to wait and then in a few weeks they will remove the requirement or just stop giving the jab altogether. More and more proof is coming out that WuFlu isn't that dangerous and the vax is.