Email came through a couple weeks ago. They cited the EEOC or whatever’s decision on keeping a record of employees jab status. The email said that employees who have no jab card on record still have to wear masks. I work as a caregiver, those I care for have gotten the jab, but I don’t wear a mask regardless because I don’t work under a direct supervisor.
My question is... how is that not discrimination? Allowing privileges to some but not others based on personal choices
They compare it to the TB test we had to submit on hire that they keep record of. My argument there is that the TB test was a condition of employment upon hire, and that this vaccine wasn’t
Contact America’s frontline doctors. This scam is falling apart everywhere. The above link is a story of a target employee successfully defeating this same issue. ? thank you for standing up. This happens one at a time, as we stand up and say no.
My neighbor just did this last night on his job & told me he would be staying home until they removed the requirement and was suing for disability for the time off. Saw him smiling as he drive into work this morning ??
Interesting read. Thank you fren. My worry here is that my state is an “at will” state or whatever. Employers can terminate without giving reason
Even in at-will states they cannot discriminate based on sex age or religion. However they can make up any other excuse to terminate you
arguably, wearing a mask, or getting the jab, is part of a religion. If you disagree with their religion, then if they terminate you, they are discriminating on the basis of religion.
Since fetal tissue is used to make all vaccines informing them of this should be able to exempt you.