Soooo, they are saying it is an incurable disease and white people are racist no matter what. And we need to keep people like that away from everyone. So in reality, put all white people on social security dissability due to their whiteness, and make all the POC work for a living?!?!?!?!?!?
Soooo, they are saying it is an incurable disease and white people are racist no matter what. And we need to keep people like that away from everyone. So in reality, put all white people on social security dissability due to their whiteness, and make all the POC work for a living?!?!?!?!?!?
How about leave all the white people in their own countries and NEVER visit those countries if you hate them?
Solves that problem.
They hate us cuz they ain't us. All of Leftism boils down to envy.