Chipotle throws out all their food at the end of the night.
That's correct, if you walk in during the last hour, and they have to make a new batch of steak, it goes in the trash at close. Not even the employees can take it home.
While the guac is good, this can be made at home with regular ingredients if you truly crave it. I spend my money at the local Mexican restaurants to help actual Mexican Americans.
Funny how the left will be pro-immigrant, but give money to a truly awful corporation instead of the local Mexican restaurants.
Chipotle's portion sizes are garbage. The prices get higher and my food gets smaller.
Chipotle throws out all their food at the end of the night.
That's correct, if you walk in during the last hour, and they have to make a new batch of steak, it goes in the trash at close. Not even the employees can take it home.
While the guac is good, this can be made at home with regular ingredients if you truly crave it. I spend my money at the local Mexican restaurants to help actual Mexican Americans.
Funny how the left will be pro-immigrant, but give money to a truly awful corporation instead of the local Mexican restaurants.
Chipotle's portion sizes are garbage. The prices get higher and my food gets smaller.
Why is chipotle a truly awful corporation?