Josh Merritt connects the dots on election fraud around the globe.
Some of the topics discussed:
- Indonesia, Mongolia, Africa, Middle East
- Smartmatic, Dominion, GEMS, UN
- David Brock FOXACID 2016 Election
- Epstein And Blackmail Operations
- Hammer & Scorecard
- Mike Lindell's "Absolutely 9-0"
- Italy Leonardo Cellular Modem Encryption
- Perkins Coie Behind Russian Dossier
- Perkins Coie Stop Election Audits
- Facebook Influence With CTCL
- Problems With New Hampshire Audit
- Verified Voting Owned By Paragon Group
- Paragon Group Also Owns Scytl
- Mafia Auditing The Mafia
- US v. Throckmorton Fraud Vitiates Everything
- 100 Million America First
* « Once the fraud comes out, this is a criminal conspiracy that will make the Mafia look like a boy's club. »
"The largest voter fraud organization in American history" - Joe Biden
Full Video:
Racine was the model district for Zuckerberg and CTCL.
Facebook’s Makanju led the community organizing a decade ago to prepare for this.
Biden endorsed the billion dollar referendum to test in the primary.
Brad Smith grew up in Racine and is President of Microsoft and ElectionGuard. Wisconsin was their test state.
Paul Ryan did not resign to spend time with family.
Racine is the reason Voat was shut down.
There is so much more beyond COVID and the election that Racine is the model for including Agenda 21 and 2030 with Sustainability as the great deception.
Expose the Root - Racine, Wisconsin.
We already know....
boy i better not hear the phrase " in the next few weeks" ever again after june 14