59 Rly makes u think ? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by ErockHawk 3 years ago by ErockHawk +62 / -3 21 comments download share 21 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Two variants of the same virus.
Neither of those idiots ever have any answers and they share similarities in their responses to hard questions. They both choke, freeze and need to circle back. It is kinda weird.
Programming kicks in.
Or siblings.
If they're identical twins it would still have massive implications
Twins officially not,birth dates (unless faked).But siblings could look simillar even not being twins so...
Somewhere at Dulce in sub-level 7 is a vat of naked Zucks floating... awaiting to walk into positions of power with different wigs on.
hell yeah , i better keep my eyes peeled lol
Look at the lower part of its nose.
Looks like a make up job
box a wig up and mail it to him
I suspect Shekelberg has an entire woman-suit in his basement - made from real women.
it puts the lotion in the basket hahaha
They came from the same factory.
Jar babbies. The matrix was really a documentary.
Wow...lmao you know I couldn't ever place who that botch reminded me of. Thank you for solving the mystery.