Few questions for you: What was your purpose for taking it? Did you notice any changes or side effects (good or bad)? Did you mix it with anything or take it straight and what is the flavor/consistency? Thanks.
Interesting info, Thank you. I have late-stage Lyme, and have a pretty bad neurological herx whenever I take Hydroxychloroquine for a cold virus. Lymies already know that such undesirable side effects are a good sign, if we can tolerate the process!
Few questions for you: What was your purpose for taking it? Did you notice any changes or side effects (good or bad)? Did you mix it with anything or take it straight and what is the flavor/consistency? Thanks.
Interesting info, Thank you. I have late-stage Lyme, and have a pretty bad neurological herx whenever I take Hydroxychloroquine for a cold virus. Lymies already know that such undesirable side effects are a good sign, if we can tolerate the process!