There are hundreds of files of open court cases. I cannot find anything out there that indicates that this is Fake. Let us exterminate these devils and Let GOD Bless this land again! An example of some of the judgements..
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I believe these have something to do with a group that call themselves the sovereign citizens, I did a bit of digging into them awhile back, they seem to file a lot of legal paperwork, but it never goes anywhere. I believe that their group operates around the theory that there is a USA corporation and your birth certificate is like a bill of sale? I can't remember the specifics. I believe there was a viral video on YouTube of a cop that pulled over a woman and she's arguing with the cop that he can't ticket a sovereign citizen, it's that group.
20ish years ago a friend who got me started down rabbit holes tried convincing me this would work to get me out of the system.
These documents read like the ones he showed me. I believe many Nationalized into (joined) the Pembina Tribe in one of the Dakotas.
When I watched it play out in courts, they consistently lost at the city/district levels & won in the Federal courts if the individual knew what they were doing really well.
It was a fun crazy to watch happen.
That is interesting!
Yep. They were telling to to simply take what the lower courts said with a grain of salt if the lower courts refused to dismiss & move it to the Federal Courts since the federal courts would observe constitutional law if applied correctly, & that the lower courts would refuse to even allow constitutional arguments to be heard in their courts because it wasn't part of the policy "policy" ie city & district rules.
It is odd how it seemed accurate at the time, though I saw the FBI also looking at them as possible terrorists (had a buddy that just joined the FBI & he warned me to not get close to that group). He was a really good guy I grew up with & he may have been getting that info from management that may or may not have been compromised themselves. I never moved forward with really getting into the group as a result. Though it has always amazed me how much of what I was shown lines up with what is happening now.
Its cool that you know abt it and can share. I've done some research but so much of the info is online and hard to veify. I can see the logic of the U.S. being a corporation and if what I saw online-- certificates, corporate addresses.....holy canoli. So cool that federal courts listened!
I think so # is the bill of sale, but not sure of that.