Hope so.But as Q is quiet and there are still no arrests I cannot be sure. You shouldn't trust me too of course - luckily you wouldn't (because of cognitive dissonance). But it isn't about trust or its lack really.
All I want from all of you is while trusting the plan - you should have your backup plan too people.Be prepared for unimaginable.Because:
We could be lied about plan
There maybe was a plan but what if it was stopped.
there are many other ways of fuckup and shit happening and Q is quiet.
And while it all looks extremely ugly, despite you will call it dooming , despite it is unimaginable - we cannot afford any risk of failure from any side at this point. It is not 2017.
Are you already with local organised community ?
have you in your local community resistant means of local communication available when net will be shut down ?
have you escape route and hiding place or/and counter-attack targets if military would go for patriots not for traitors ?
are you armed, have you arm caches ?
Don't answer me or anyone about it in the net - especially on GA.Answer yourself. It shall be your tactical advantage against deep state. That's all I ask you. Be smart.Whatever will happen we shall find our way to save the children and ourselves from tyrants. Hope there will be other patriots which would do the job,but we shall be ready.
God bless you all reading this.
PS: oh. And if you somehow not noticed those quote from Flynn on the right... That also is your part.It is rather recipe for 2017 as there is much more to do - but do at least that small things until situation looks still quite "normal" (it isn't, after 2020 it is obvious we all are at invisible war). No excuses - remember.
Q is not cabal.
Hope so.But as Q is quiet and there are still no arrests I cannot be sure. You shouldn't trust me too of course - luckily you wouldn't (because of cognitive dissonance). But it isn't about trust or its lack really.
All I want from all of you is while trusting the plan - you should have your backup plan too people.Be prepared for unimaginable.Because:
And while it all looks extremely ugly, despite you will call it dooming , despite it is unimaginable - we cannot afford any risk of failure from any side at this point. It is not 2017.
Don't answer me or anyone about it in the net - especially on GA.Answer yourself. It shall be your tactical advantage against deep state. That's all I ask you. Be smart.Whatever will happen we shall find our way to save the children and ourselves from tyrants. Hope there will be other patriots which would do the job,but we shall be ready.
God bless you all reading this.
PS: oh. And if you somehow not noticed those quote from Flynn on the right... That also is your part.It is rather recipe for 2017 as there is much more to do - but do at least that small things until situation looks still quite "normal" (it isn't, after 2020 it is obvious we all are at invisible war). No excuses - remember.
I have a backup plan already in place but luckily I won't need to use it as Q and Q+ will succeed.
Then good. Everybody shall.
And as I added to previous post: follow too those Flynn quote on the right if you already weren't doing it.