You really want to correct America’s future? Make a 16 month enlisted commitment for every 18 year old !!
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If your a supporter of freedom you can't support forcing people to goto war. You can't support freedom by violating it. You sound just like the mandatory vaxx supporters tbh.
And to answer how will we have freedom? Well at the moment we have the world's most powerful military without forcing anyone to do anything.
Let's look though? We did not at all need to fight viet nam for outlet freedom but people were forced to go there, become maimed or die. That war, or operation as they like to dislmiss it was not about anyone's freedom. Nor were any of the wars in my life time. I was born in 1975 and none of the wars we've been in had anything to do with freedom, not American freedom or the freedom of the people we invaded. To force people to join the military is to force them to serve in those wars where they have a chance of becoming crippled or killed and many of those people will have children. None of that is remotely linked to freedom.
Having the choice to join has the effect of creating a strong military where as the draft produced a confused military full of people who had no business in combat. Example:vietnam vs WW2
AGAIN, even if the was are important ones like WW2 it is best to let people enlist of their own freedom, but our recent history shows that most wars are about special interests, not about defending our freedom or our country in any way.
You may have valid points about the benefits that very few people have received by joining as in learning a trade or becoming an engineer, but that does not override that person's first amendment right. The vaccine could be said to have beenefits but forcing it on people is a violation of their own space and freedom. You can't establish freedom with tyrant.
The military only needs a handful of engineers and cooks, any way, but even if they needed as many cooks as they did soldiers there is still no justification for violating that person's rights.
Remember. The govt belongs to the people, the people are not govt property. The entire war that is being waged on America right now with he vax etc is about reversing that one thing that makes America great. They want you to be their property. The plan you propose for all citizens to be forced into military servitude would make it ALOT easier for them to make every citizen govt property. When you are in the military they can force vaccinate you and you ARE govt property. They actually do have the authority to chip all military personnel.
Your idea is so idealistic and not thought out.if you want to become a military engineer, great, use your freedom to join the military.